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Our Ministries

Children's Ministry

This ministry, headed by Sis. Hope Littlejohn, provides the individuals volunteering with the activities and lessons to work with the youth and children of the church on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.  This ministry also works diligently under the leadership of Sis. Littlejohn to provide vacation bible school each summer.

Mime Ministry

This ministry, lead by Sis. Christina Williams, provides the ministry of mime as worship within services at RCC and at other locations by invitation.

Outreach Ministry

This ministry lead by Deacon Tonya Leach is charged with the distribution and ministering to the poor, needy and assisted living facilities during various times of the year or as needed.

Women's Ministry

Restored Women Restoring Women's ministry lead by Sis. Hope Littlejohn is charged with providing spiritual, physical, and emotional support to every sister through fellowship and friendship.  Their purpose is to enrich, empower and motivate sisters within their Christian walk.

Usher's Ministry

This ministry, lead by Deacon Tonya Leach, assists in all services as needed by greeting, seating, receiving offerings and distribution materials as necessary.

Music Ministry

This ministry, lead by Bro. Milton Williams, works to plan and execute the music provided for worship services by its participants ministering in songs as part of the choir or praise team.

Sound Ministry

This ministry under the leadership of Pastor Darryl is in charge of all audio equipment including purchasing, maintaining, and use of equipment in and out of the church.  This ministry records all services and maintains a master copy.  This ministry also provides CD's of worship or special services for the shut-in.

Van Ministry

This ministry, lead by Pastor Darryl, coordinates transportation by church van.  Requests are asked to be made by at least 9:00 pm the day before transportation is needed.  Contact Pastor Darryl at 910-309-6656.

Restoration Christian Church Ministries · 4210 Cameron Road · Fayetteville · NC 28306 · Phone: 910-323-5987


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